Chad Crawford of How to do Florida knows Seminole County like his own backyard—because it is! Having lived in and around Seminole County, one of Chad’s favorite ways to relax is spending a day at the pristine Wekiwa Springs State Park.

Take a canoe or kayak down the Wekiva River to see an abundance of natural beauty. Wekiwa Springs has been protected since 1970, allowing for the natural flora and fauna to flourish like they did when the Timacuan Indians lived here. Come view wildlife like birds, turtles, deer, alligators and even black bears.

If fishing is how you have fun, the Wekiva River is home to largemouth bass, various species of panfish and catfish. For those who don’t want the outdoor fun to end, Wekiwa Springs also has two campsites only accessible by canoe.

Come explore Chad’s backyard yourself when you visit Wekiwa Springs in Seminole County.