Hollerbach’s Art Haus is the art and gift shop of the mother and daughter duo of the Hollerbach Family. Their goal is to have unique, hard to find items that appeal to any artsy trend-setter and lover of beauty. Founding partners, Linda and Christina Hollerbachlinda_nina_02[1], have been scouting the globe to choose over 25 different artist for their shop. As well as renowned artist from all over, we will also being featuring Linda’s personal art collection that she has been creating for decades. Art was also a powerful healing tool for Linda and she is excited to pass on that energy in every piece she makes in her line, String Theory Creations You may think that it is strange for a family that has lived and breathed the restaurant industry to change course to create this store. However, this is a natural choice. Theo and Linda had always planned to sell Linda’s creations in the art festival circuit as their retirement. Little did we know, that their small restaurant started in 2001 would become the 300 seat, award-winning Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Cafe and with the addition of their Magnolia Square Market. So instead of traveling the art festivals, they have decided to bring this art concept to Downtown Sanford right across from their restaurant. Theo remains the helm and driving force of the restaurant and deli. While Linda and Christina have the chance to fulfill their dreams in the art world. At this point, it only seems fitting that they combine all their loves in this specialty store that not only provides an outlet for their art but will hopefully benefit the town of Sanford that they love so much.
204 E 1st StSanford, Florida 32771-1319